

dreamland. soft halcyon haze. soft kiss on my lips, my eyes are still closed. he brings his face into my pillow.
wanna make love? he whispers.
i breathe in his scent and start to stretch my arms around him.
*ping* {the cell phone, getting a text}: i love you wife, hope you have a wonderful day

i love how connected we are, even when we are far apart.


laying there, i close my eyes. i feel my day ahead. i always get messages then. they easily pop thru the veil & i love connecting with my inner self like that. it's very synchronous and flowy and open. i got: my day = love. and truth comes thru mystery. i felt myself floating in a lake of warm pink water looking up at cotton candy clouds in a beautiful pink sky. soothing comforting love.

things are really chill right now. i am enjoying it. looking forward to our lake trip. family togetherness and fun. my favorite thing. i am really loving me lately. i like the way i look & feel. i like the sunshine and warmth and my tan skin. i like my intuition and creativity. floating thru summertime like a dream. i like it here in dreamland. i think i'll stay for a while...

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